Man in the arena
Man in the arena

Superiority, tell us all again how the radical socialist agenda will lead us to the liberal promised land?! I bet it takes a detour to Venezuela and Cuba. We already know the intolerance is absurdly one sided in this country and he and Matt are living proof! Take a chill pill, go to the anger management sessions and get back to us okay!įolks, I have been here a pretty short time, how on earth do you guys put up with such a snotty, arrogant dbag, day after day? He is giving the lib side a black eye if you ask me.Ĭonservatives don’t want him. None of us, neither lib nor conservative or in between, are worthy to breathe in the presence of your greatness! Earned, not given, unlike most snowflake trophies. Superiority ! I think that is the PERFECT name for you. I figured I would tune in to the Georgia Pol for the latest liberal hatefest for my daily laugh! Lo and behold….you hit it out of the park! There you are…right on cue! Fire a blazin’! Here I was minding my own business, reading the sports page, thankful to be alive in the freest country on earth and enjoying the baby Braves fine season… I mean, what’s it going to take? … Oh no, is that a DeSantis campaign ad? Sit tight, Spencer, I’ve got bigger fish to fry.Andrew I am about to hurt myself laughing at you this morning. That I inherited millions from my rich daddy in New York but spent my life dressing as a cowboy? If I discredit myself, will that get you to stop?ĭid you know I was really racist? And not like “cringey uncle at Thanksgiving” racist, more like “genocidal towards Indigenous Americans” racist.ĭid you know I used troops on Latin American workers so US companies could sell more bananas? But I suspect you just like my mustache and the fact that I shot a lot of lions. Plus, I can’t police every pharmacy selling Happy Graduation cards.Īlso, why are you even invoking me as your hero? I hope it’s because I was an early environmentalist and articulated some admirable civic ideals, even if I didn’t really live up to them.

man in the arena

I mean, you don’t see me freaking out about my “eyes on the stars … feet on the ground” quote. I swear, if I find out that speech is in an Ethereum commercial, I will get on God’s calendar to pitch another flood. But all you got from it was the smarter-sounding version of “haters gonna hate.” It’s nearly nine thousand words about democracy, privilege, character, social progress, and collectivism. When I spoke of the man “whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood,” I was not picturing a twenty-three-year-old Elon Musk fanboy who won’t learn someone’s pronouns.Īlso, not that you’ve read it, but the speech is called “Citizenship in a Republic.” The arena thing is kind of an intro. I became President at age forty-two I created the National Parks System I won a Nobel Peace Prize I gave a ninety-minute speech with a bullet in my chest. I’ve been reading A People’s History of the United States, and, well, yikes.īut there’s no denying I did stuff. I realize 40 to 100 percent of my whole deal has aged poorly.

man in the arena

Look, your boy Theo has done a lot of thinking since dying in 1919. Maybe you agree with them, maybe you don’t, but I’ll be damned if my legacy is going to boil down to shitty men’s go-to “sorry-not-sorry” quote. About nature and morality and democracy and monopoly. I did not make that speech at the Sorbonne so that a mid-tier YouTuber could address his history of bigoted comments with, “Sometimes when you’re the guy in the arena, shit happens, ya feel?” Not when it became a Cadillac commercial, or the name of a Tom Brady documentary, or even a reference in Nixon’s resignation speech.īut you have pushed me too far. I’ve let my “man in the arena” quote be twisted for over a hundred years and said nothing.

Man in the arena